Anian Straits

A significant historical textbook containing
two rival British tall ship captains' logs


The important relevation is that Coleridge based his Rime of the Ancient Mariner on these ship logs

Ivor James, a relative of Bristol's famous sea captain, published this extraordinary opinion in an essay

Anian Sraits faithfully interprets & reproduces genuine and original material.

coleridge rime imagecoleridge rime imagecoleridge rime image

Sam Coleridge's close friendship with William Wordsworth meant he was acutely aware of the change into a bleak and reflective writing style following the drowning of his brother John, captain of the tall ship Earl of Abergavenny in 1805, carrying silver dollars to the Orient.  This tragic event peaked an interest in tall ship journals and Bristol library was able to provide North West Fox and the strange and dangerous adventures of Thomas James, documenting these captains' original search for a trading route to the Orient two centuries previously.  Ivor James, a later relative of Tom, was convinced that Coleridge took inspiration for his famous Rime from these logs in the library where he was a frequent visitor and borrower. There is even documented correspondence about his outstanding items!

Until now, the influence of these important diaries on our famous romantic poets has been overlooked, indeed denied. Endorsed by research from Ivor James, here is breakthrough enlightenment on the background reading that inspired an extremely well-known and much loved classic, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Coleridge.

Included in Anian (Anyan) Straits is a published essay by Ivor James giving indisputable evidence for his important but cancelled theory.

About the second edition image
The second edition is available on Kindle and as a paperback from Amazon.  Learn more at

Press Release - second edition textbook spans curriculum 2022

Anian Staits by Van Fox Lloyd, cleverly brings to life real maritime adventures and brave life or death decisions of rival tall ship captains as they search for a trade route from Great Britain through the unforgiving, unknown and perilous Arctic. Importantly, this work contains a screenwriting project of particular value to those studying or creating film.

HISTORY The sea journals penned in the 17th century were printed by order of the Crown before the English civil war.  Primary source investigative non copy-write literature written decades later by Miller Christy, is freely available to teachers and students through the historical archive.

GEOGRAPHY Anian Straits’ first edition (published by in 2018) contains rare and original maps of Arctic exploration, discovered and drawn separately by each sea captain, which are still of considerable relevance and interest today.

LINGUISTICS The original and accurate log book texts, published in 1632, include multiple technical navigation references and are written in an old-fashioned style quite difficult to comprehend and appreciate.  These journals have been deftly translated to our modern vernacular by the author, Van Fox Lloyd, to provide accessible, easy and enjoyable reading of great, but hitherto ignored and forgotten, historical diaries.

ENGLISH LITERATURE/ROMANTIC POETS Until now, the influence of these library held diaries on our famous romantic poets has been overlooked, indeed denied. Endorsed by research from Ivor James, here is breakthrough enlightenment on the background reading that inspired an extremely well-known and much loved classic, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Coleridge.
Summary of contents

Summary of contents

Here is a comprehensive summary of the two log books entire contents

Summary of the journals

On May 2nd 1631 Captain Tom James hosts a party on board his ship, The Henrietta Maria, moored in the Severn Channel, for his benefactors, the Bristol Merchant Adventurers. The Rev Tom Palmer preaches a sermon to the crew and they sail from Bristol the following day.

Captain Luke Fox in his ship, The Charles, follows with less ceremony from Deptford on 5th May 1631, discharging her ordinance of 7 guns when approaching the Royal Court at Greenwich. At Buchan Ness, near Aberdeen lighthouse in Scotland, sharp winds snap the rotten main yard mast and they have run out of money to buy fresh provisions. They see a basking whale and a drifting tree, but the log is no use, so the carpenter fashions repairs. They sail on amongst shoals of killer whales and dodge large and small icebergs, one shaped like a church and steeple. Luke concentrates on his navigation, using an azimuth compass and almucantar staff and notices a fierce magnetic reaction at Cape Farewell. Unfortunately, his Master is becoming disagreeable and argumentative. He disputes the rigging preference and nautical findings.

Meanwhile, a month from departure, Henrietta Maria reaches Greenland in freezing conditions and is struck by icebergs in a storm. The poles used to stave off ice all break and the shallop is smashed, though they try to rebuild it. The crew take in the sails and pump out water. At Cape Farewell, the long boat, being towed, breaks away and during its rescue two men are injured. Struggling through ice, fog and walruses, the compass becomes inactive and Henrietta Maria is caught up in turbulent currents. Waves dashing against an ice bank make a hideous and frightening noise. A violent storm whips up and causes considerable damage to the ship, shrouds and cables. They navigate rocks in the shallop, trying to recover lost parts.

Captain Tom goes onshore ahead at Resolution Island. He builds a cross and great stone beacon at its highest point and names the place ‘The Harbour of God’s Providence,’ but the next day their ship is endangered by an enormous piece of ice half-mast high,. Tom goes onshore again to observe their position from a hill and returns in alarm after witnessing the berg break into four vast pieces with an appalling noise. Fearing the worst, Tom is relieved to find his ship safe. He sends the boat to a cove he has found, but they have a difficult journey and return, They sail the ship there instead and make fast on rocks before exploring the land, finding only frozen ponds and debris from savages and foxes. From the hilltops some see Sir Thomas Button’s Islands on the south side, others unsuccessfully try fishing.

On 23rd June, The Charles reaches Cape Resolution and smoke from Tom's camp fires is noticed. Knowing that The Henrietta Maria is in harbour, Luke sounds his cherished foghorn in salute. The Charles gets stuck in ice and damages her anchor. The Master shoots seabirds for stew from the cockboat, but the crew become peevish when their request for an increased allowance is refused. The Henrietta Maria’s crew are on rations and two get sick. At Mansell Island they go onshore and a kill a bird where there are freshwater ponds but no vegetation. Sailing west, they get stuck in ice and inspect the ship, only to find its damage irreparable. After a week in thick fog they venture onto the ice and toast His Majesty to cheer themselves up. Fuel for cabin fires is rationed and they have no luck fishing. In a fierce gale they strike rocks inflicting further damage and two days later they break a cable and lose an anchor.

The Charles is having a better time of it! Luke makes observations on the peculiar nature of different types of ice and records these in his log. On 25th June he sees a rainbow and imagines it an omen. The carpenter repairs slight damage to the rudder and crawfish are seen in the sand. All marvel at luminous protozoa slime in the sea. Luke draws up rules for shore exploration and observation of the flood tides. He advises wariness of natives and expresses worry about danger from collision with melting ice blocks during faulty watches. His disloyal Master and Mate grumble behind his back. They are East India men and his friend the mathematician John Briggs had warned against employing them, but he has had no choice. Exasperated by their discontented and insolent behaviour, he fears mutiny.

In mid-July a weather gall (cloud halo) predicts storms and the Master continues to hinder Luke by arguing with his instructions. Taking advantage of the Captain’s nap to steer his own course, he gives disheartening speeches of contempt to the crew. Near Salisbury Island, on 12th July. The Charles breaks her cutwater (at the prow) and the carpenter takes 7 hours to mend it, while Master mocks and blames the Captain. His own early interference with Fox’s list of requirements has resulted in an omission of oars amongst other essentials, which exacerbates the argument between them.

A creature with a 6’ black horn is thrown on deck from a shoal of 20. They call it a sea unicorn and Luke quaintly thinks it and the mountains are responsible for needle shake in the compass, although this is caused by electrical disturbance. He takes the boat out and finds seals. A polar bear is spotted on the ice where The Charles is moored, so their dogs are sent to chase him, though he dives away. The Master pursues and kills it with a lance, making 12 gallons of oil from it. They enjoy boiled and roasted meat under a sky of exhilarating Northern Lights, but at full moon their compass loses power. 300lbs of bread are soaked from a leak in the store. They see leaping fish amongst islands, one thought to be a sepulchre, which they explore, exploiting the graves of some 500 four foot tall natives for firewood and artefacts. They find whale fins and oil, copper darts, knives and needles and take souvenirs.

Sailing at Baker Foreland they see graves and pyramids and a white quartz beach at Marble Island, naming the area Sir Thomas Roe Welcome. Both captains are generating names to mark their exploration. The Charles' crew bring aboard two swans and a sand-hill whooping crane, but within days the unfortunate crane breaks its legs and dies. On land, dogs chase a stag cutting their feet on the terrain. Pursued by the quarter master with no weapon to kill it, the man is moved by its tears. A pod of 40 whales is seen at Hudson’s Bay where The Henrietta will spend the winter. There are sea pigeons and walruses they call sea-horses, but attempting to lance them is unsuccessful, due to the thickness of their blubber.

Towards the end of July Luke goes ashore for the first time and captures a live fox at Hope’s Check where he has been picking scurvy grass. This will be juiced and served for health in morning pints of beer. He sees a walrus in a waterfall and in hot daisy grassland there are deer, elks. geese and partridges. He comes across the relics of a Canadian birch canoe and finds carved toys in graves, but is sorely pestered by midges and mosquitoes. The Charles' company see cliffs at Churchill River where The Henrietta Maria went aground and she is now headed for the muddy waters of the estuary they have named the New Severn River. In August there is a tidal bore at Port Nelson and Luke anchors here to carry out ship repairs and assemble the pinnace, which has been stored in pieces. They clean guns, gather fresh water and hunt venison, observing Beluga white whales and porpoises in the rain.

At Seal Island they find a man’s footprint. There is evidence of camps but no natives are seen. They gather wild strawberries and gooseberries, hunt a stag which escapes. Under a sky ribboned with vivid colours, the carpenter fells five trees chosen by the Master for a replacement mast, but all are rotten. They kill a polar bear and discover more artefacts, mostly guns and ammunition. Luke finds half of a board bearing Captain Button’s Kings Arms with an inscription on it. He names this place New Yorkshire, but later concedes the title of New Wales, chosen by Tom.

Near the ship, three deer are swimming in the sea five miles from land and these are killed by the Master from the pinnace. Luke thinks of his wife and what she would be doing. He dozes on his watch to be later alert and observe the Master’s turn. He sees the cook giving out cans of beer against orders and questions the ship’s boy, overheard by the Master who complains to the crew. The boatswain confronts the boy and calls him a long-tongued rascal. In heavy rain the Master defies orders to pull up anchor and sends the men to dinner instead, which causes conflict and an argument with Urin, the Mate. Seeking solitude and peace, Captain Fox goes out alone in the boat. He sees geese and sea pigeons flying above dangerous rocks and reflects on feeling homesick, praying for the quarrelling to stop.

On 20th August sighting the coast, Captain James and his crew toast Prince Charles with their best liquor and name this area, The New Principality of South Wales. About nine that night, fearing they have lost the anchor and heaving in the cable, a sudden hitch in choppy seas throws the men from the capstan. In the dark a small rope had become entangled in the cable and around the master's leg, which was sorely bruised before he could clear it. One mate was hurt in the head, another injured his arm. Their strongest man was sent sprawling after being hit in the chest with a crowbar, one, with his head beside the cable, only just escaped, while the rest of the crew were severely flung about and bruised. But the gunner's leg was between the capstan and the cable, which took off his foot, tore the flesh from his leg and crushed the bones, bruising his whole body badly. In all, eight men were hurt and tended by the surgeon, who by midnight performed further amputation on the gunner's ruined limb.

A week later, on 27th August, Tom sends the boat, well manned and armed, to high land with written instructions and told to return by sunset. When they don't appear, the company worries about some disaster or attack, especially since no answer is made to their shot or false fires (blue lights that burn for several minutes, usually used at sea as night signals). When fire is noticed ashore they imagine it has been made by triumphant savages with everybody lost! Eventually onboard again, they say a sandbank, uncovered by the tide, prevented their timely return and this excuse pacifies Tom. No natives have been sighted and a storm follows. They manage their sails, exchanging a pair of courses for a main course, but travel backwards up to 18 leagues, when they see a ship to leeward, about four leagues ahead. It is, of course, The Charles!

29th August is a very cold day with a high wind and The Henrietta is sighted by The Charles. Tom sends a shallop the following day to invite Luke, with his Master and Mate, to dinner and their encounter is described on pages 36/37 of Luke’s log and page 4 of Tom’s log. Luke learns that The Henrietta has been almost lost. twice! Tom has not explored beyond Seahorse Point and he intends to over-winter. Back at The Charles, the options ahead are discussed and Luke considers wintering, but concludes he is against it. After days of heavy frost, the Master and boatswain fall ill. A violent storm on 6th September soaks the coal.

Tom experiences similar and fears his ship will sink. He moves his coal and his boatswain falls ill, fainting several times and apparently at death’s door. The weather changes to fog. Some crew anchor to explore land in the long boat and Tom goes out himself, recording much driftwood but little vegetation. His men find nothing useful either, but are becoming argumentative and divided in their opinions. There follows another disaster when the ship is run aground navigating the rocky shores, which is blamed on the crew’s carelessness and conceit. “The first blow stroke me out of a dead sleep and I, running out of my cabin, thought no other at first but I had been wakened, when I saw our danger, to prepare myself for another world! After I had controlled a little passion in myself and had checked some bad counsel than was given me to revenge myself upon those who had committed this error, I ordered what should be done to get off these rocks and stones.” With trial, error and hard work manipulating the sails, first putting them aback then furling them away, they pump out water in the hold to locate any leaks and an angry Tom considers letting out the beer, but orders the crew to throw out the coal instead.

As the ship beats, he is further alarmed to see some damaged outer sheathing float by when they coil cable into the long boat and, alas, it breaks at the capstan under the strain of men heaving, losing the anchor. Another is quickly cast out and they prepare for evacuation by loading the long boat with the carpentry tools, a barrel of bread, a barrel of powder, six muskets with some match (slow burning rope used to fire matchlock guns) and a tinderbox, fish hooks and lines, pitch and okum and anything else thought suitable to prolong life. The panic has lasted five hours and the sea has remained calm, although after prayers of thankfulness that evening, the wind increases. With the ship at anchor, those in the boat explore the rocky coast a little, but claim they can go no further. Being thoroughly exhausted, all simply rest aboard.

More men have fallen sick on The Charles, leaving it shorthanded. Coming on deck, Luke grabs the helm in the nick of time and narrowly averts disaster. It is too deep to anchor. The sky is magically alight with vivid colour while the crew struggle with the sails. Then chain plates break on the foremast. The ship’s company fear ice will prevent them from going home. More quarrels develop about navigation and tacking, but Urin (the Mate) is compliant. They sail through smashed ice observing the tides and hopeful of finding the NW Passage here, as suggested by Button. Some seek fresh water in a cove populated by seamors. A mother tries to make her cub dive and then attacks the boat, only to be wounded by a lance.

Crew are still becoming sick, so Luke organises a party with pancakes and beer to lift spirits. He suspects the Master has been feigning sickness to burden him by avoiding his watch. Lightening and the flashing Aurora Borealis illuminate the sky. Damage occurs to the anchor and cable. The ship’s carpenter falls ill. The hold has been broken into with beer, aqua vita and sack stolen. The Master appoints four beef and sack days and Mate Urin frequently appears drunk. The cook is now sick and Luke steers for home in snow. To raise morale he increases the crew’s provision allowance. There is a violent storm. Arguments arise over the route and the ship is managed by a skeleton crew. The lazy, unpleasant Master stays in his cosy cabin and only gets up when they arrive on October 31st. All are safely home and the sick men ail recover.

The Henrietta Maria, however, continues her hapless adventure. The shallop towed at stern upends and breaks away. They explore in the long boat but misjudge the tide and get into difficulty, having to be hauled in. Perils and distress are described and converted to poetry by a sentimental and emotional Captain, who also leaves a letter at Charlton Island. Romantic poet Samuel Coleridge, two centuries later, borrows these ship- logs from Bristol library and discussing them with his friend and fellow poet, William Wordsworth, finds sufficient inspiration to write his most famous Rime, clearly drawn from these original ancient mariners’ extraordinary first hand accounts of their strange and dangerous voyages in the historical past.

Heavy snow and choppy weather create lofty waves and unearthly sounds. Tom moors the ship by an island and they collect firewood, but the increasingly fierce coldness makes the men sick and weak. The sails are useless clogged with ice so they thaw and fold them by the hearth. Led by the carpenter, a gang construct a wooden shelter on-land and use the mainsail to cover it. With a pair of greyhounds another group go on a deer hunt and rejoice in killing one. A scouting party travel about the island in deep snow but lose the gunner’s mate who falls through ice crossing a pond and drowns. At the end of October there is an eclipse of the moon and Tom takes readings with his advanced nautical equipment. Congealed ice at the shore means the men have to wade and carry each other to land provisions from the ship. They sink a well near the house, trap pied foxes hoping for a valuable black pelt and the carpenter builds a boat from boards. The dwelling is accidentally set alight by its own fire, so they set up a watch.

The amputee gunner dies in his cabin on-board at the end of November. Henrietta Maria is driven towards the shore to dock but veers towards dangerous rocks, eventually beaching in deep sand during a sudden storm. Tom calls a management meeting and shares his intentions. The carpenter is instructed to make a breach near the keel and a hole in the hold to sink her and the men must evacuate. He is the last to leave. All are miserable and disguised by frost and snow clinging to their faces. The account of their wintering is the most interesting part of Captain James’ journal (from pages 18-49) and it proved a gigantic mistake, being a time of great hardship, with all suffering from exhaustion and starvation. Tom's map of the region has little historical worth and they were absent from England three times as long as Luke in The Charles, yet achieved less geographical discovery. There were accidents, injury, misfortunes and deaths.

The aristocratic and affluent Captain Tom James was nevertheless applauded and welcomed home. He continued his successful naval career pursuing pirates, while Captain Luke Fox, for certain the greater hero, was unfairly denied promised payment and subsequently died in poverty.

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Marco Polo reference

Marco Polo reference

Information about the concept of the mythical Anian Straits

The Straits of Anian

In the seventeenth century, the term 'Straits of Anian' identified a mythical body of ocean at the Arctic North Pole between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, where a new trading route to the Orient was widely thought to exist. Marco Polo originally named and described this region, giving its location at the Gulf of Kienan, in the borderland between east and west. Polo said, “This gulf is so extensive that it appears like another world.” 

The idea of a dividing strait in the northern pacific persisted for 200 years and can be traced on a 1542 map and this idea sparked the interest of an experienced and ambitious sailor from Hull, who had grown up in the company of many earlier Arctic explorers.  Luke Fox sought permission from the monarch to captain the King's own ship in a fresh search for the NW Passage and by doing so he alerted a formidable rival in the aristocratic Thomas James, previously a Lord Mayor of Bristol. 

Poor weather and Tom's considerable influence delayed Luke's expedition, enabling the acquisition of a similar vessel and eventually two tall ships left Great Britain for the Arctic in 1631.  Their genuine records of adventure and adversity were later published in journals  included here, by order of King Charles 1st.

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Van Fox Lloyd celebrates her late son Luke Fox 1987-2009


A dedication to Vanessa's late son Luke Fox explains her motivation in writing and publishing Anian Straits. Browsing in a charity bookshop, Van discovered a pamphlet by the Hakluyt Society referring to an ancient tall ships seacaptain called Luke Fox and his ambition inspired her to tell his story..


(1861-1928) Miller Christy's 19th century original primary source published in 1894 is available to purchase in two volumes of paperback, each one at a cost of over £30 or try this free universal archive

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Rival Captains' Encounter

From Luke’s account: “29th August 1631: I rode still all night for I could get nothing by plying against the wind now southerly. After 7 o’clock we saw a sail standing right with us - it was Captain James of Bristol! He came close in at our stern and we saluted each other, he standing in towards the shore, which was in sight, but standing off again. He could not fetch us for it was ebb, the stream and wind setting him to leeward, whereupon he stood into sea and out of sight, which grieved me much, fearing I should not see him again, nor know what discovery he had made - but he tacked about inward again. The wind easterly that night, he sent his shallop on board, inviting me to dinner the next day with my master and his mate “30th August. Last night I made loose and stood along in small sails, muzzling my ship with the foresail. I then stood for Captain James, who was a great way on stern.” The Henrietta Maria’s shallop is sent to collect Luke, but he is reluctant to go and has to be persuaded by his master that reports from Tom’s crew need verification. Luke comments, “I was well entertained and feasted by Captain James, with variety of such cheer as his sea provisions could afford. With some partridges we dined between decks, for the great cabin was not big enough to receive ourselves and followers, during which time the ship (in two courses and main bonnet) threw in so much water as we could not have wanted sauce if we had ate roast mutton! Then I began to ponder whether it were better for his company to be impounded amongst ice, where they might be kept from putrification by the piercing air, or in open sea, to be kept sweet by being thus daily pickled! However, they were to be pitied, the ship taking her liquor as kindly as ourselves, for her nose was no sooner out of the pitcher, but her nib, like the ducks, was in it again! “There came on board of me his lieutenant, his coxen and three more. I gave orders to my officers to take down the four rowers between the decks and to entertain them at several messes and to enquire of them what land they found first after coming from our own coast, what lands they had been at, or in what harbours when they entered Fretum Hudson, how long they had been amongst the ice and, at several times, what islands they had seen, or capes formerly discovered, what was the most northerly latitude they had been in, what day they first saw this side or bottom and in what latitude they came over this bay in.


HOLLYWOOD TREATMENT LOGLINE A boat crew member who has gone on several voyages with his former Captain thinks he has all the required experience to lead his ship on a voyage. He got the opportunity to captain His Majesty’s ship, The Charles on a voyage North West. Luke Fox, a young man who had once accompanied John Knight on trips on the sea and has sailed the Mediterranean, Spain, France, Holland, Norway, Denmark and the Baltic Sea good experience in the use of globes and other mathematical instruments, becomes ambitious and desirous to man a ship to his name and lead a voyage. He consulted Mr. John Tappe, he was introduced to Mr. Tho Sterne, a globe maker who made and acquainted him with maps and manuscripts. Following the advice of a friend and famous mathematician, Mr. Henry Brigges. Through his connection with Hon. Knight Sir John Brooke to be of service to the King and the public good. This, however, resulted in requesting His Majesty the loan of a ship for the voyage and endorsement of the action, both being graciously accepted and granted by the Majesty. But due to the time of the year it was, they could not set out that year and be asked to wait until the following year. During the wait, Mr. Brigges died and as it is that no agreement between the living and the dead can hold, the partnership between Luke Fox and Mr. Brigges ends. One Captain Thomas James having similar intentions to go on a voyage North West Sea passage had earlier written a letter to Mr. Brigges with the knowledge of Luke Fox before the death of Mr. Brigges. He however petitioned with the desire that seeing we (He and Luke Fox) were both to go forth in one year, he might be considered superior and go first but alas, he was denied. His Majesty sent for his voyage expert friend, Sir John Wolstenholme, and appointed these two to expedite the enterprise. He commanded also Trinity House to assist them and the younger Sir John Wolstenholme be appointed Treasurer. Luke Fox has used the Majesty ship and the ship was fully stocked with food for 18 months. The Majesty’s ship The Charles sets out with eight (8) paragraphs of Orders and Articles for Civil Government. The Charles took off North West and to deliver a letter to the king of Japan three (3) days after Captain Thomas James’ Henrietta Maria set out which is Thursday 28 April 1631. More from the author .


Van Fox Lloyd is retired and graduated with an English Honours Degree in 2002. She lives in a quiet village near Bristol and began this, her first published work, a decade ago. Van has translated the original and rather challenging 17th century text into modern vocabulary and comprehension and she is the first to uncover genuine links to Samuel Coleridge, a renowned romantic poet.

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Tall ship Captains Luke Fox from Hull and Tom James, a former Lord Mayor of Bristol, departed England on pioneering voyages of discovery in 1632. These brave men were first to explore the Arctic in search of the North West Passage trade route through the mythical Anian Straits, named so by Marco Polo. Their fascinating journals were published together in 1894 by the Hakluyt Society in two volumes, with comprehensive research by Miller Christy. These original ship logs translated to modern vocabulary by Van Fox Lloyd, provide a rare insight into the perils and adventure and injury of early maritime exploration and navigation around the magnetic pole in a dangerous and unfamiliar ocean. These are thought to be inspiration for Samuel Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner. If you have any questions you can contact Vanessa at or mobile 07505442144

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The Black Paternoster is a gospel.  There are 4 synoptic gospels and the gospel of Luke was written during the reign of Roman Emperor Domitian in the early to mid 3rd century.  This author also wrote the Acts of the Apostles.

The Black Paternoster is a gospel. There are 4 synoptic gospels and the gospel of Luke was written during the reign of Roman Emperor Domitian in the early to mid 3rd century. This author also wrote the Acts of the Apostles.

Rival tall ship captains Luke Fox and Tom James went in search of trade and discovery in the Orient. In 1631 with permission of King Charles 1st, they embarked from the United Kingdom in treacherous conditions.

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